
step1: https://www.itread01.com/content/1530176527.html


Getting Started
Unlock Jenkins
To ensure Jenkins is securely set up by the administrator, a password has been written to the log (not sure where to find it?) and this file on the server:
Please copy the password from either location and paste it below.
Administrator password


By default logs should be at %JENKINS_HOME%/jenkins.out and %JENKINS_HOME%/jenkins.err, unless customized in %JENKINS_HOME%/jenkins.xml

Logs in Jenkins

Jenkins uses java.util.logging for logging. 
The j.u.l system by default sends every log above INFO to stdout, but unfortunately, most servlet containers alter this behavior, making it difficult for us to tell you exactly where you should look at. 
Also, they tend to bundle all the logs from the entire JVM into a single place, making it difficult to follow a particular aspect of the system.
Because of these reasons, Jenkins is equipped with a GUI for configuring/collecting/reporting log records of your choosing. This page shows you how to do this.
First, select the "system log" from the "Manage Jenkins" page:
From there, you can create a custom log recorder, which helps you group relevant logs together while filtering out the noise.
Choose a name that makes sense to you.
You'll be then asked to configure loggers and their levels whose output you'd like to collect. Depending on which part of Jenkins you monitor, you'll need to specify different loggers. Tell us the symptom of your problem in the users list and we should be able to tell you where you need to look at. Also, this is really just a wrapper around the java.util.logging package, so if you program in Java, you might be able to guess what to look at.
Once the set up is complete, Jenkins will start collecting data. The collected logs are available from the web UI.

Jenkins 主機網址:http://localhost:8080/(由自動安裝後預設)

Jackson 2 API

Pipeline: REST API

Pipeline: Stage View

Pipeline: Model API
Pipeline: Declarative Extension Points API

Pipeline: Declarative Agent API

Pipeline: Declarative

GitHub API


GitHub Branch Source



Instance Configuration

The Jenkins URL is used to provide the root URL for absolute links to various Jenkins resources. That means this value is required for proper operation of many Jenkins features including email notifications, PR status updates, and the BUILD_URL environment variable provided to build steps.
The proposed default value shown is not saved yet and is generated from the current request, if possible. The best practice is to set this value to the URL that users are expected to use. This will avoid confusion when sharing or viewing links.

Jenkins is ready!

You have skipped the setup of an admin user.

To log in, use the username: "admin" and the administrator password you used to access the setup wizard.
Your Jenkins setup is complete.

Dependency errors:
Some plugins could not be loaded due to unsatisfied dependencies. Fix these issues and restart Jenkins to restore the functionality provided by these plugins.
GitHub API Plugin version 1.95
jackson2-api v2.9.7.1 is missing. To fix, install v2.9.7.1 or later.
Pipeline: REST API Plugin version 2.10
jackson2-api v2.7.3 is missing. To fix, install v2.7.3 or later.
Pipeline: Model API version
jackson2-api v2.8.11.2 is missing. To fix, install v2.8.11.2 or later.
Downstream dependency errors:
These plugins failed to load because of one or more of the errors above. Fix those and these plugins will load again.
Pipeline: Declarative Extension Points API version
Pipeline: Model API v1.3.4.1 failed to load. Fix this plugin first.
GitHub plugin version 1.29.3
GitHub API Plugin v1.95 failed to load. Fix this plugin first.
Pipeline version 2.6
Pipeline: Stage View Plugin v2.10 failed to load. Fix this plugin first.
Pipeline: Stage View Plugin version 2.10
Pipeline: REST API Plugin v2.10 failed to load. Fix this plugin first.
Pipeline: Declarative version
Pipeline: Model API v1.3.4.1 failed to load. Fix this plugin first.
Pipeline: Declarative Agent API version 1.1.1
Pipeline: Declarative Extension Points API v1.3.4.1 failed to load. Fix this plugin first.
GitHub Branch Source Plugin version 2.4.1
GitHub plugin v1.29.3 failed to load. Fix this plugin first.


In situations where you have existing web sites on your server, you may find it useful to run Jenkins (or the servlet container that Jenkins runs in) behind Nginx, so that you can bind Jenkins to the part of a bigger website that you may have. This document discusses some of the approaches for doing this.
Make sure that you change the Jenkins httpListenAddress from its default of to or configure the firewall to block request on the port Jenkins is bound to, otherwise any IIS-level restrictions can be easily bypassed by hitting the Jenkins port directly.


Example use case

I have a dedicated Jenkins installation on a Windos Server 2012 R2 server with a Common Name of VRTJENKINS01 in the Active Directory domain acme.example and is reachable by the Fully Qualified Domain Name vrtjenkins01.acme.example. Additionally Jenkins runs on port 8080 and already listens to instead of and the server has additional DNS names: jenkins andjenkins.acme.example.
I want to have an IIS installation which acts as a TLS/SSL terminating reverse proxy. In combination with our in-house Active Directory Certificate Services (ADCS, Microsoft's Certificate Authority software) this should make certificate management a lot easier since Windows can be configured to automatically renew certificates, and the IIS 8.5+ Certificate Rebind feature can listen to renewal events (which contain the fingerprints of both the old and new certificate) and update the relevant bind(s) to use the fresh certificate. This would ensure that after the initial manual request it would only be necessary to manually change TLS/SSL related settings when the set of Alternate Subject Names on the certificate IIS presents should change.
IIS will only have to act as 1) a reverse proxy for Jenkins 2) redirect non-canonical URLs to the canonical URL: https://jenkins.acme.example/
I have installed the IIS (8.5) role using the Add Roles and Features Wizard with the all the default and also the following non-default features:
  • HTTP Redirection (Under Common HTTP Features, to redirect http(s)://jenkins/, etc. to https://jenkins.acme.example/)
  • WebSocket Protocol (Under Application Development, because I felt like it)
Then I installed URL Rewrite and Application Request Routing.

Configuration Time

Enabling Reverse Proxy functionality

  1. In the Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager click on the VRTJENKINS01 server.
  2. Go to Application Request Routing Cache.
  3. In the Actions panel click on Server Proxy Settings...
  4. Enable the proxy
  5. Disable the Reverse rewrite host in response header
    1. Don't worry, it will work, just follow the rest of the instructions
  6. Apply (the Actions panel again)

Configuring TLS/SSL

Out of scope, there are enough tutorials on the rest of the interwebs for this part. The rest of this tutorial will assume it has been configured with a certificate trusted by your browser of choice.

Configuring rules for response rewriting

  1. Go to the Default Web Site
  2. Go to URL Rewrite
  3. In the Actions panel click View Server Variables...
  4. Add the following is not already define on the server level:
  5. Click on Back to Rules
  6. Click on Add Rule(s)...
  7. Select Reverse Proxy and click on OK
  8. Enter jenkins.acme.example and click on OK
  9. Open the rule you just created
  10. Under Conditions add:
    1. Condition input: {CACHE_URL}
    2. Pattern: ^(http|ws)s://
  11. Under Server Variables add:
    1. Name: HTTP_FORWARDED, Value: for={REMOTE_ADDR};by={LOCAL_ADDR};host="{HTTP_HOST}";proto="https", Replace: yes
      1. Jenkins runs under Jetty, Jetty supports RFC7239, so all should be well.
  12. Under Action change:
    1.  Rewrite URL to {C:1}://jenkins.acme.example:8080{UNENCODED_URL}
      1. Note that there is no slash between the port number and the opening curly bracket
    2. Remove the check from the Append query string checkbox
  13. Apply the changes.
  14. Edit C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts so that jenkins.acme.example points to
    1. When resolving names Windows will check if the name is its own name before consulting the hosts file. Meaning that adding vrtjenkins01 orvrtjenkins01.acme.example to the hosts file won't have any effect.
      1. The hosts file will however be consulted before consulting the DNS infrastructure

Experiencing the dreaded "It appears that your reverse proxy set up is broken." error for yourself

  1. https://jenkins.acme.example/configure
  2. Configure the Jenkins URL to be https://jenkins.acme.example/ and Save the change
  3. Go to Configure Global Security and enable Enable proxy compatibility if you have already enabled Prevent Cross Site Request Forgery exploits
  4. Go to https://jenkins.acme.example/manage
  5. You will still experience the "It appears that your reverse proxy set up is broken." as expected
    1.  If you do not get that at this point, then that is very weird... Continue anyway. 
  6. Right click the Configure System link and choose to inspect the element.
    1. Make sure you are still on the Manage page as you will want it as your referrer
  7. Change the value of the href attribute to be administrativeMonitor/hudson.diagnosis.ReverseProxySetupMonitor/test
  8. Open the link you just changed in a new tab.
    1. Keep this tab open
  9. Observe the "https://jenkins.acme.example/manage vs http:" error and bask in its glory
    1. a white page served with HTTP status code is 200 indicates all is well
      1. If you do get that at this point, then that is very weird... Continue anyway.

Fixing the errors

  1. In IIS Manager got to Application Pools then edit DefaultAppPool so that the .NET CLR versionis No Managed Code 
    1. You might find that this is not necessary (at far as you can tell) for your setup, since IIS will only act as a TLS/SSL offloading reverse proxy, we don't need it. IIS on Windows 7 does appear to need this to be turned off for some urls (https://jenkins.acme.example/*)
  2. Then go to Sites → Default Web Site → Request Filtering and in the Actions panel choose Edit Feature Settings... and turn on Allow doube escaping 
    1. This is so IIS forwards URLs like https://jenkins.acme.example/%2525 to Jenkins instead of showing an IIS error page
  3. Last, but not least, go to Sites → Default Web Site → Configuration Editor and change the Section to system.webServer/rewrite/rules
  4. Now you should see the URL Rewrite 2.1 property useOriginalURLEncoding listed, if not install URL Rewrite 2.1 using the x86 or x64 installer, not the WebPI one and resume from here after a reboot.
  5. Change useOriginalURLEncoding to False
    1. As the URL Rewrite 2.1 announcement this will change the value of {UNENCODED_URL} to make it RFC3986 and usable for reverse proxy forwarding purposes
    2. original as in pre 2.1 behaviour.
  6. Refresh that tab you were supposed to keep open, or recreate it.
    1. Again, take some time to bask in its glory
  7. It should now be white, also the Manage page should no longer complain!

Continue configuring IIS

Some of the things you might want but I won't cover:
  • Hypertext Strict Transport Security headers
  • Redirecting from non canonical URLs to the canonical URL (ok, sort of covered this in the web.config example)
  • The X-UA-Compatibility header so that Internet Explorer 11 (or 9, or ...) won't claim to be IE 7 for intranet sites
  • Use IIS Crypto to configure cipher suites
  • ...

A working web.config

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
            <rules useOriginalURLEncoding="false">
                <rule name="CanonicalHostNameRule2" stopProcessing="true">
                    <match url="(.*)" />
                    <conditions trackAllCaptures="true">
                        <add input="{CACHE_URL}" pattern="^(http|ws)://" />
                        <add input="{HTTP_HOST}" pattern="^jenkins$|^jenkins\.acme\.example$|^vrtjenkins01$|^vrtjenkins01\.acme\.example$" />
                    <action type="Redirect" url="{C:1}s://jenkins.acme.example{UNENCODED_URL}" appendQueryString="false" redirectType="Permanent" />
                <rule name="CanonicalHostNameRule1" stopProcessing="true">
                    <match url="(.*)" />
                    <conditions trackAllCaptures="true">
                        <add input="{CACHE_URL}" pattern="^(https|wss)://" />
                        <add input="{HTTP_HOST}" pattern="^jenkins$|^vrtjenkins01$|^vrtjenkins01\.acme\.example$" />
                    <action type="Redirect" url="{C:1}://jenkins.acme.example{UNENCODED_URL}" appendQueryString="false" redirectType="Permanent" />
                <rule name="ReverseProxyInboundRule1" stopProcessing="true">
                    <match url="(.*)" />
                    <action type="Rewrite" url="{C:1}://jenkins.acme.example:8080{UNENCODED_URL}" appendQueryString="false" />
                        <set name="HTTP_FORWARDED" value="for={REMOTE_ADDR};by={LOCAL_ADDR};host=&quot;{HTTP_HOST}&quot;;proto=&quot;https&quot;" />
                    <conditions trackAllCaptures="true">
                        <add input="{CACHE_URL}" pattern="^(http|ws)s://" />
                        <add input="{HTTP_HOST}" pattern="^jenkins\.acme\.example$" />
            <requestFiltering allowDoubleEscaping="true" />

Complain about it still not working

Leave a comment or complain to me over at twitter (@Darsstar)
進入Jenkins plugin頁面進行配置修正


permalink to the latest
2.9.8SHA-1: 3110f73a7f287eb026c81cfb83463c814a6b98f2, SHA-256: 823ff5f6d86a251cb9294540ccb6521269e0f6a0ad32580821cb069984e0d107 45c29bfd5e8c82f9cdf35612b5c33c1ee1e10626, SHA-256: 28dbc04f2a4798a45130d8d43f7582b44a617fbc663ecfa47c298d702b0e6730 80a68e4764f260518dcec13d8d7e6ae0ba62ee19, SHA-256: a36d07ea693c27f658c6135961342283aab9869ec4219c4badbf0c952a356ca8 41c4704f93cfa9e412862980fd8c02da46e9021f, SHA-256: 163e005e9335fb7b00afb00d3b0530b034f3612abd1639d1b17ec1e8f5a88902 cd361c6caa21f4e842edb0fd9d9bdc47c0b276e9, SHA-256: 4bd83299620d64ad0b439faa438050de8f460d461808216792372f35ce085d27 b1d21ada65157ea31b7d8c81b59beb7b6225a7a4, SHA-256: ea5cda3192e890500d1c09a123962cd576e2a6c8946f9f720511493b0cd7666a 52769994b1e423f0775eba482837334124ca640f, SHA-256: 337ac82bee687b00e8ee9a06d598122ebcb8e34859852d1034e5d6bb9561c274
2.7.3SHA-1: 5bffd74b8d1ef6cd848c81c76c1c901489ad009b, SHA-256: 6dfa1ba3db32ae47630b239399c3fc8d9102ff0b523a5c33dd32bc88d9874837
2.7.2SHA-1: 88f9cb2aeb23bc417019fc867becaf730c6a74ca, SHA-256: 3f9cbaffa4fec74862766b486628aeec5c34112f258b41b28123bf4eb6156abd
2.7.1SHA-1: b8e2f6cc3a8742e9be70afd14efabd98296a237b, SHA-256: fda8b9d6d0e730e074b8e5aa39563e45b2fdf2acb2fdba41a79ce6508d9cb181
2.7.0SHA-1: fc0d484dca296dc738aaccaafec4a11f529a3cf2, SHA-256: fbda324d7e2e6fe555519002d87b31dc1be257a250b887bb96c996eb84d9d8fc
2.6.5SHA-1: be1a5ffb2f37d0f43ea140383294520649d15903, SHA-256: df13d324d379a726c943e5bb707fd644ff5f4ba55e25bb719a056ee554810f98
2.6.4SHA-1: 1e0011d4de4fe3f18103d71e6f00ed00d3cad5b4, SHA-256: e2d285bc8d8dd1c7c8b1f54c76521f810fcab943fb668f504bdee924d470fe07
2.6.3SHA-1: 67734b5ba3d639d99da75762c2aa3f312da306bb, SHA-256: 0d21e12de375ccc4a1ba0363396dccab5dda61fbeb5076e6b479b1b4ea4f83ea
2.6.2SHA-1: 02b3a0300602e56af9a12605bd52c41ba73361a9, SHA-256: 6393d16d1d2d185586ed368ab32e920bc81ba3e642e18795f4b388df26eb6050
2.6.1SHA-1: c6cb498f755c52c44486e41b3b02f10633175e69, SHA-256: e6552acce2b4c1916a7432562a409a00faa99fb4479bca4739adaec77a22a02f
2.6.0SHA-1: 67cc9223d65202bc33a59f7e51faba15134e47c6, SHA-256: d9664eea7362a7654a25a79f6a403fc7f487238068303873e55930515c85e649
2.5.5SHA-1: 838d219be5dca3a5954b0ced4e9aa6c15a929e2a, SHA-256: c6bcff8eb45e0cbe591b372763cdfb88e01eb7fbf4a3c425d25626a4b258e963
2.5.4SHA-1: 20d302d9b8796f28920954ba0da0267ab34384a0, SHA-256: 2e092b7a579d4d24110a62d013009bfac2a25f5db0f63860819b588f873854e3

正在安裝/升級 Plugins

  • 檢查是否能連到網際網路
  • 檢查是否能連到更新中心
  • 成功
Folders 成功
JDK Tool 成功
Script Security 成功
Command Agent Launcher 成功
Structs 成功
bouncycastle API 成功
Pipeline: Step API 成功
Pipeline: API 成功
JUnit 成功
OWASP Markup Formatter 成功
Token Macro 成功
Build Timeout 成功
Credentials 成功
SSH Credentials 成功
Plain Credentials 成功
Credentials Binding 成功
Timestamper 成功
Pipeline: Supporting APIs 成功
Durable Task 成功
Pipeline: Nodes and Processes 成功
Matrix Project 成功
Resource Disposer 成功
Workspace Cleanup 成功
Ant 成功
Gradle 成功
Pipeline: Milestone Step 成功
JavaScript GUI Lib: jQuery bundles (jQuery and jQuery UI) 成功
Jackson 2 API
 失敗 - 詳細資料
JavaScript GUI Lib: ACE Editor bundle 成功
Pipeline: SCM Step 成功
Pipeline: Groovy 成功
Pipeline: Input Step 成功
Pipeline: Stage Step 成功
Pipeline: Job 成功
Pipeline Graph Analysis 成功
Pipeline: REST API
 失敗 - 詳細資料
JavaScript GUI Lib: Handlebars bundle 成功
JavaScript GUI Lib: Moment.js bundle 成功
Pipeline: Stage View
 失敗 - 詳細資料
Pipeline: Build Step 成功
Pipeline: Model API
 失敗 - 詳細資料
Pipeline: Declarative Extension Points API
 失敗 - 詳細資料
Apache HttpComponents Client 4.x API 成功
JSch dependency 成功
Git client 成功
GIT server 成功
Pipeline: Shared Groovy Libraries 成功
Display URL API 成功
Mailer 成功
Branch API 成功
Pipeline: Multibranch 成功
Authentication Tokens API 成功
Docker Commons 成功
Pipeline: Basic Steps 成功
Docker Pipeline 成功
Pipeline: Stage Tags Metadata 成功
Pipeline: Declarative Agent API
 失敗 - 詳細資料
Pipeline: Declarative
 失敗 - 詳細資料
Lockable Resources 成功
 失敗 - 詳細資料
GitHub API
 失敗 - 詳細資料
Git 成功
 失敗 - 詳細資料
GitHub Branch Source
 失敗 - 詳細資料
Pipeline: GitHub Groovy Libraries 成功
Pipeline: Stage View
 失敗 - 詳細資料
Git 成功
MapDB API 成功
Subversion 成功
SSH Slaves 成功
Matrix Authorization Strategy 成功
PAM Authentication 成功
Email Extension 成功
Mailer 成功
Jackson 2 API 成功
Pipeline: REST API
 失敗 - 詳細資料
Pipeline: Stage View
 失敗 - 詳細資料
Pipeline: Model API
 失敗 - 詳細資料
Pipeline: Declarative Extension Points API
 失敗 - 詳細資料
Pipeline: Declarative Agent API
 失敗 - 詳細資料
Pipeline: Declarative
 失敗 - 詳細資料
 失敗 - 詳細資料
GitHub API
 失敗 - 詳細資料
 失敗 - 詳細資料
GitHub Branch Source
 失敗 - 詳細資料
Jackson 2 API Already Installed
Pipeline: REST API
 失敗 - 詳細資料
Pipeline: Stage View
 失敗 - 詳細資料
Pipeline: Model API
 失敗 - 詳細資料
Pipeline: Declarative Extension Points API
 失敗 - 詳細資料
Pipeline: Declarative Agent API
 失敗 - 詳細資料
Pipeline: Declarative
 失敗 - 詳細資料
 失敗 - 詳細資料
GitHub API
 失敗 - 詳細資料
 失敗 - 詳細資料
GitHub Branch Source
 失敗 - 詳細資料
  • 檢查是否能連到網際網路
  • 檢查是否能連到更新中心
  • 成功
GitHub API
GitHub 擱置
    github-branch-source 擱置

    [Jenkins 登入帳號/密碼]:

    git version : 2.10.0.windows.1
    git folder:D:\Git

    [架設git server 在 iis server內]

